

Last post we analyzed a technique of doing amplified DDoS attacks using Quake 3 servers through spoofing UDP requests to get some game statistics info. In this post I show potential ways of mitigation as well as how to detect this kind of attack at a network level and how to try to automatically parse the attack’s traffic and generate some firewalling rules.



Lately has been growing in popularity those DDoS attacks based on DNS Amplification, specifically due to the attack to Spamhaus. While this kind of attack is becoming more and more popular at DDoS scenarios there are others types of DDoS techniques being used not so common and which should be known before being hitted by them. In this post i want to introduce amplification attacks using Quake 3 network protocol - UDP based - as well as how to analyze it in several ways to really understand it in depth to find a pattern and create a fingerprint for trying mitigating them.


This post is just a quick tip for restoring moloch state (database and pcap data) to have a superb fresh installed moloch system. I have received and email asking for this, so maybe it could be useful for someone. If you don’t know what moloch is take a look to his github and my previous post to know more about this powerful network traffic capturer and indexer distributed system.



As we saw in last post it’s really easy to detect text language using an analysis of stopwords. Another way to detect language, or when syntax rules are not being followed, is using N-Gram-Based text categorization (useful also for identifying the topic of the text and not just language) as William B. Cavnar and John M. Trenkle wrote in 1994 so i decided to mess around a bit and did ngrambased-textcategorizer in python as a proof of concept.



Most of us are used to Internet search engines and social networks capabilities to show only data in certain language, for example, showing only results written in Spanish or English. To achieve that, indexed text must have been analized previously to “guess” the languange and store it together.

There are several ways to do that; probably the most easy to do is a stopwords based approach. The term “stopword” is used in natural language processing to refer words which should be filtered out from text before doing any kind of processing, commonly because this words are little or nothing usefult at all when analyzing text.